
The platform uses Kwizbot to interact with users and attract donations

With Iryna Hutsal, director of the charity platform




Integrated, the largest fundraising charitable online platform in Ukraine, needed to promptly ensure the flow of donations and communication with donors. Thanks to Kwizbot, the platform was able to optimize these processes, organize quick access to necessary information, and attract funds for charity more effectively.

Before implementing Kwizbot, communication between and its users was limited to email and direct appeals to project authors. Since the platform collaborates with a large number of charitable organizations, there was a need to optimize communications to improve workflows and service.

To address these challenges, implemented Kwizbot - an omnichannel communication automation platform that allows users to quickly obtain data about charitable projects in a convenient channel for them and make contributions.

Connecting Effective Communication Channels

Thanks to the integration with Kwizbot, the number of email inquiries to has significantly decreased, demonstrating Kwizbot's effectiveness in handling standard user queries. "I can say that the number of direct emails to our inbox has decreased, and this is a good indicator that shows Kwizbot has optimized our processes."

The platform maintains a stable level of donations through communication channels such as Viber and Telegram, thanks to a practical interface and effective messaging via Kwizbot. Overall user satisfaction has also increased. "Thanks to Kwizbot, we’ve covered two areas: communication and attracting charitable support. Additionally, with the help of Kwizbot, we briefly introduce our results to the users, showing what we do. This has positive results."

“We find it very convenient that Kwizbot is flexible and allows us to change scripts and add texts without involving IT specialists - even someone without a specialized IT education can do it on their own.”

Iryna Hutsal

Director of the charity platform

Ensuring the Reliability of All Processes

For, the stability of their communication tools is a crucial aspect. "We support our defenders and have many military projects. Because of this, russia perceives us as a threat, and we often face DDoS attacks, so it is important for us that Kwizbot operates reliably. We are grateful that throughout our collaboration, there hasn't been a single day when the tool was unavailable."'s experience highlights the importance of innovation and automation in the charitable sector and demonstrates Kwizbot's potential for other organizations seeking to improve their efficiency.

"We have communicated with several of our partners, powerful charity organizations in Ukraine, and they were also considering the abilities of Kwizbot, with some of them integrating this functionality. All organizations are currently seeking ways to conveniently communicate with donors and users of their websites and platforms to be closer to them and inform them as quickly as possible about the activities that interest them."

Iryna Hutsal

Director of the charity platform

Artificial Intelligence - An Important Component of Growth

The platform continues to explore the possibilities of developing and integrating AI to improve its services.

Iryna recommends other organizations seeking to enhance their efficiency to consider Kwizbot as a tool to achieve this goal, especially in the context of modern demands for speed and quality of user service, which are critically important for the success of charitable initiatives.

"We see growth points and know that the company is currently working very actively on integrating artificial intelligence tools to better respond to user requests, and we see a future in this."

Iryna Hutsal

Director of the charity platform

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The platform uses Kwizbot to interact with users and attract donations.

With Iryna Hutsal, director of the charity platform


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